virtual nap space
Who can rest? What does Black rest look like? What roles do our bodies play when we claim rest as resistance? Is rest possible in an online space? These questions form the basis for the Virtual Nap Space, a research theme centered on Sondi's art commission for The Couch – Mbombo: Dream Echoes. Fed by concepts of important Black thinkers like Tricia Hersey, bell hooks, Tina Campt and more, Mbombo and the research around it lifts rest up not as a passive, neutral and 'beige' experience but as something to claim, share and reaffirm. It does not come easily to all, it is threatened by explosive and extractive trends like the wellness industry and the attention economy. So consider this space an invitation to pause and examine your own body, its needs and its offerings. And to resist.

Productively Unproductive
Arne Willée rescues idleness from its morally dubious past and presents it as a needed, critical resource.

Take what you’re owed // Fugitive Dreams
Imagine falling asleep whenever and wherever – this is love, I think, this is freedom.
Sofie Birch: Sleep In Sunrise Concert
Sofie Birch's sunrise concert for the Sleep In at Het HEM, April 20-21, 2024