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Coming Soon: Amulet by Molly Palmer

Molly Palmer (author)

Molly Palmer

Molly Palmer works between film, installation, sculpture, choreography and music to explore the strangeness within ordinary things and the technologies of belief that transform our experience of them. Her research and long term collaborations value shifts of perception that alter our relation to reality, and examine the psychedelic dimensions of experiences such as grief, complex trauma and diagnosed difference.

Published 24 Apr 2024

Stay tuned for Molly Palmer’s Amulet, the fifth art commission for The Couch. The commission, a video work, will be the final act in the Mystics of the Chthulucene research programme.

"We tend to think that our perception is linear, but in fact it is radically fragmented. We blink, we turn our heads, we travel at extraordinary speed. Our vision is interrupted and held inside devices that open endless tunnels to other locations, images, maps and information." - Molly Palmer

Molly Palmer, UK, b.1984
Molly Palmer works between film, installation, sculpture, choreography and music to explore the strangeness within ordinary things and the technologies of belief that transform our experience of them. Her research and long term collaborations value shifts of perception that alter our relation to reality, and examine the psychedelic dimensions of experiences such as grief, complex trauma and diagnosed difference.
