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Ginevra Petrozzi

Ginevra Petrozzi (Rome, Italy) is an interdisciplinary designer and artist currently living and working in The Netherlands. Her work explores contemporary issues around care, futurity, and algorithmic governance. In this framework, she took the role of a “digital witch”, reclaiming the archetypal role of the sorceress as a healer, and as a political rebel.




Ginevra Petrozzi    Rustan Söderling   

Ginevra Petrozzi makes the case for a complicated relationship between ourselves and the artificial intelligence tools that guide us through our lives. The stories and myths we construct around the technologies we don’t understand can help us navigate the obscure and even violent power of artificial intelligence.

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POV: Time To Influence Your Targeted Ads

Ginevra Petrozzi   

"Define your 'perfect future' in positive and using the present tense (ex: not ‘I would like to do’, but ‘I do’). Imagine that you have reached your goal overnight: tomorrow morning, how do you realise that the transformation has taken place?"

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