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director's commentary


Director's Commentary: Femke Hears a Who by Clementine Edwards and Alexander Iezzi

Clementine Edwards (author)

Clementine Edwards

Clementine Edwards is a Rotterdam-based artist working in sculpture. They're the artist and editor of The Material Kinship Reader, which thinks material beyond extraction and kinship beyond the nuclear family. Lately they're working around language, reading, material as writing/citation, and any and all writing and citation as storytelling and political practice. clementineedwards.com 

More with Clementine Edwards


Cup Run Over

Clementine Edwards    Maria Vorobjova   

smiling my best smile I asked him what sort of work he was in, my eyes moving down to the cup in his hand.

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Alexander Iezzi

Alexander Iezzi

Alexander Iezzi aka Mary Posa is an interdisciplinary artist who upcycles digital debris along with scavenged scraps from the meatworld.

Published 29 May 2024

Femke Hears a Who, 2019. 10:21

Femke from Brabant explores life in Rotterdam, attracting the detritus of memories and encounters like a magnet as they go. For this Director’s Commentary, Clementine Edwards and Alexander Iezzi have written a voiceover for a previously voiceless video.

♫ Phil Collins playing in the background ♫

 It started with a spilt turmeric latte. 
 Femke came from Brabant and her dusk-till-dawn was filled with 
 feverish artistic production. 
 Between practicing Tic Toc Choc on the harpsichord, honing her skills in acrylic painting and trawling the internet for tchotchkes, Femke spent her spare time at Rotterdam’s most renowned plaza, Zuidplein — 
saying hi to Sanne and Suus, shaking hands with Merel and Milou. 
She was a people watcher. 
But then things got curly — 

Femke heard a who.


Clementine Edwards and Alexander Iezzi

We collected all sources in one place, so you can browse through them all.

In this series