
Take what you’re owed // Fugitive Dreams
Imagine falling asleep whenever and wherever – this is love, I think, this is freedom.

Productively Unproductive
Arne Willée rescues idleness from its morally dubious past and presents it as a needed, critical resource.

The innocent arms factory of Wijnand Elbert Kerkhoff
Rust, reinheid en regelmaat (peace, cleanliness, and regularity): the order and balance in both architecture and image make the arms factory on Bandung 'beautiful'.

Cyberpunk Diaspora
Reconciling with Hong Kong in Kongkee’s “Dragon’s Delusion”

Traces of past lives: an attempt at capturing balloons
“Can I write about the balloon without attaching too much weight to it? Or is a balloon just a balloon; enough said?”

When fear rules — a conversation about silence in the Dutch art world
A conversation with Mirjam Westen, Tina Farifteh and Maurits de Bruijn on the current possibilities of talking to each other as a society – through visual arts – about the ongoing genocide in Palestine.

Where the Magic Happens
I find a room in the basement and a room in the attic and while sifting through these rooms, I realise that the room of my dreams has always been a room to work in.

A neon palindrome, lessons from the crouching man
“In the name of contemporary art, Spain has finally embraced the whitewash technique of the iconoclasts.“

Ghosthood and the Uncomfortable Familiarity of Haunting
now you tell me I remind you of a friend, but one that you can't seem to name

Escape From the Internet
“Remember when on the internet no one knew you were a dog?"

How the hero became my problem
Deconstructing traditional notions of masculinity and conflict, exploring a fluidity in defence.

Sisyphus in the Era of Simulation
Reflections on The Sims game and its entanglement in the mystification of an oppressive and recursive power system.

Babe… It’s Time to Get a Haircut
In what way is fading a means of internally & externally bending “dreams” beyond the black barbershop?

The Arrival of a Residential Complex
This was not a great day to wear the “Bonaire” bucket hat that I bought earlier that week in the souvenir shop.

singing about bananas
A banana bread without Chiquita bananas and without a guilty conscience would taste even better.

What did you dream about last night?
When we dream and interpret the dream, is it really a dream that predicts the future, or is our subconscious making us believe that the dream predicted the future?
Happy Circuit
Sugyeong Lee finds meaning while trapped in the Happy Circuit.

Dasha’s Kitchen: My magical grilled cheese sandwich recipe
Dasha Ilina tricks the search algorithms that might read her essay about algorithmic surveillance into thinking it’s just a recipe for a grilled cheese sandwich.

The Image of an Image is a Memory: Clash of the Imperial Gaze
Today, a walk in the museum is a walk with a camera. Is the hegemonic narrative of the exhibition questioned by the camera? Or does the camera become an accomplice to the museum?

The distant bungee jumper, a dangling herring
Charlie Jermyn was on a mission to discover the history of the North Sea resort town of Scheveningen. The essay tracks Charlie’s disorientating pilgrimage through a haze of mystical sea creatures, marshland, beached whales, kibbling, hungry gulls, and bungee jumpers.

Thinking through the supermarket
Ilaria Obata takes a fresh look at the vast environment of the supermarket chain in this analytical essay.

A devilish grin, a suburban carpark
Essayist and poet Charlie Jermyn makes a do-it-yourself pilgrimage through museum, muck, rain, wind and pub to visit Jan Steen’s old haunts

Some word, some gesture, some sound: A Ghost Story

In The Door Opening of The Bedroom
'The bedroom is the locus of a becoming, spread out across multiple dimensions. Every night, as I close my bedroom door behind me, this process is set in motion, and every morning, just as it is about to become actualised, it disappears.'

Talent Programmes: Entry Points and Ecosystems
Music journalist Hannah Pezzack dives into the nuances of building a career within the cultural sector, investigating mentorship offered by European festivals, platforms, and institutions, including Het HEM.

The Moment You Discover Eyelashes
“This is what I want to remember: ‘Repetition is a form of change’. But I’m not sure whether I think this is lame or actually holds a profound truth.”

Are TikTok Healers Contemporary Quacks or Re-risen Witches*?
Are the countless self-proclaimed ‘healers’ giving medical advice on TikTok quacks? Or are they a sign that witches* have reclaimed their space in the health field, reviving lost knowledge and offering the care that mainstream healthcare still fails to provide?

The mindless sc/troller
If the postmodern (digital) experience is a similarly disorienting experience to that of the modern flâneur, then is it possible to adopt the same approach to the web as to the city, where the mind can freely wander and transform?

Mystics of the Chthulucene
Cthulhu – H.P. Lovecraft’s science fiction monster – lurks under the surface of the ocean as an elemental deity. We must wonder what lurks beneath the surface of the systems known as AI.

Two Nights of Noise at Tivoli
By recounting his experiences of two formative concerts at Tivoli, essayist and performer Charlie Jermyn provides a poetic account on the raw power of sound and the music of everyday life. He connects the origin of noise music to Italian Futurism, a movement fascinated with dynamism and constant innovation, and appreciates the ongoing vitality of aging cultural icons amidst the decay of our time.

Ginevra Petrozzi makes the case for a complicated relationship between ourselves and the artificial intelligence tools that guide us through our lives. The stories and myths we construct around the technologies we don’t understand can help us navigate the obscure and even violent power of artificial intelligence.

Hospitality on demand
Can the concept of hospitality provide us with a critical lens to explore what kind of relationships socially engaged art institutions can build online ?